Father of Carroll Williams murdered at sawmill

The last hanging in the county was for the killer of Carroll "Dick" Williams own father. Carroll was a baby, younger than 6 months old, when it happened. On the day of the murder, as I understood it, the killer looked into the face of baby Carroll and apologized to him for killing his father (I was told this by my Nan, Verna Mae 1903-2006. She was Carroll's youngest daughter). Nan did not know why it happened, if there was a fight, if this was retribution for something.... It would be worthy of more research. The killer was hung in the county seat, Sevierville, at the court house... and was the last hanging held there.

The sawmill was located on land we know as Chan Harrell's place at the convergence of Chuckey and Dunn's Creek. Nan was very definite that the sawmill was on the Chan Harrell property.

If anyone has anymore information to add to this, please add it. There's precious few still alive who can add information and if you have some....