permission given by Sam Huff, 2008
Jones Cove was settled in the late 1780’s by Anglo-Saxon people
migrating west across the Allegheny and Appalachian Mountains.
Early settlers from Virginia discovered a passageway
across English Mountain into the Jones Cove valley.
It’s believed the Jones family came from Berkley County, Virginia.
Stephen Jones was killed by Indians
and is buried near New Salem Baptist Church.
Some of the early settlers were
McMahans, Jones, Larges, Huffs, Williams, Howards, Rolens....
Slaves were owned by the large landowners.
Jones Cove had its own post office,
but it was discontinued when rural delivery was established in 1907.
Those serving as postmasters were Samuel Rolen,
Frank Templin, Robert McMahan, Joseph Huff and Carroll Williams.
New Salem Baptist Church, with 51 members, was organized in 1845 in an old log school house. There were some black members.
A new building was dedicated in May, 1914.
On April 19, 1922, New Salem Baptist Church
was destroyed by a violent storm,
but was soon rebuilt.
Jones Cove School has had three locations:
- The first was a log house near Dave Rolen’s home.
- The second school was built on the Carroll Williams farm and consisted of the consolidation of Jones Cove, Feedwell (located on the Henry Williams farm) and Stinnett Hill (located on the Stinnett farm), making a new three room school.
- The third was a block building at the present site, which was later replaced by the present building.
Much progress has been made and
Jones Cove is now a fast growing community.